Heart Coloring Page, Day 22 Featuring Andrew Cervantes


About the Artist

Andrew Cervantes grew up in the arts. He is a multi-disciplinary artist. As a visual artist, his work blends both artesania and fine art, as he challenges the Western perception of fine art. He is a master pinata maker and has made pinatas to decorate the stage at Plaza de la Raza.  His work has received recognition from the City of Los Angeles, LA-32 Neighborhood Council, and in art shows in Downtown L.A., Hollywood, Ventura, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and San Diego. Andrew teaches Ceramics and Heritage Arts at Plaza de la Raza.

Andrew also enjoys writing. His short format plays have been produced and received awards in festival throughout the country. His first short film received the Jury Award at Outfest Fusion 2020. He is currently writing a full-length play and his second short film.

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Julia Chavez